Fresh Meats & Delicatessen Since 1982

Mon to Fri: 8am — 8pm | Sat & Sun: 8am — 7pm

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Local Peaches

Product of Ontario


Fresh Peaches are a juicy and flavourful fruit that epitomizes the taste of summer.

Weight (lb)
Actual Weight 1lb
Sale Price $2.99
Product Description

Fresh Peaches are a juicy and flavourful fruit that epitomizes the taste of summer. Known for their sweet, aromatic flesh and velvety skin, peaches are versatile fruits that can be enjoyed on their own or used in a variety of culinary dishes. Whether eaten fresh, baked into desserts, or added to salads and savoury dishes, peaches offer a delightful burst of flavour and numerous health benefits.

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$4.99 ea
$1.99 /lb
$1.99 ea
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