Fresh Meats & Delicatessen Since 1982

Mon to Fri: 8am — 8pm | Sat & Sun: 8am — 7pm

Local Red Bell Peppers

Product of Ontario


Fresh Red Bell Peppers are vibrant and versatile vegetables known for their sweet flavour, crisp texture, and bright red colour.

Weight (lb)
Actual Weight 1lb
Sale Price $1.99
Product Description

Fresh Red Bell Peppers are vibrant and versatile vegetables known for their sweet flavour, crisp texture, and bright red colour. Packed with vitamins and antioxidants, red bell peppers are a nutritious addition to any meal. Whether eaten raw, roasted, grilled, or sautéed, these peppers add a delightful crunch and a burst of colour to a variety of dishes.

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$0.79 /lb
$3.99 ea
$2.49 ea
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